Juice unused fruits, vegetables, and herbs
Use the pulp in muffins or veggie burgers
Turn protein trim or other unusable scraps (such as broken shrimp) into mousse, tartare, croquettes, or salad
Utilize cosmetically challenged produce in applications such as mashes, soups, and sauces
Purée herb stems into pesto or soups, mince for flavored butter, or add to a bouquet garni
Use overripe, misshapen, or extra fruit in ice cream, jam, fruit butters and spreads, and desserts such as cobblers
Prepare tempura or slaw from cauliflower cores and broccoli stems, or use in quick pickles
Use fruit and vegetable trimmings to make syrups and infusions for beverages
Purée leftover starches such as cooked mashed potatoes and rice to create a thickener
Use dairy items prepped for the coffee station in chowder or pudding
Transform coffee grounds into a rub for pork or beef, along with sugar or molasses to counter any bitterness
Repurpose liquids such as juice or coffee as ice cubes
Add vegetable trim—the ends of zucchini, outer cabbage leaves, carrot peels—to meatless burgers, meat loaf, and meatballs, or use in stuffing or stocks
Turn leftover bread, rolls, and other breadstuff into croutons for panzanella salad or bread pudding, matzo balls, or breadcrumbs, which can be used as a binder, thickener, or toasted and seasoned to add texture and flavor to pasta and other recipes