You don’t have to go it alone, thanks to these organizations and programs dedicated to reducing food waste.
There are dozens of useful resources available to woke food-waste warriors, including:
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Sustainable Management of Food portal offers a number of waste-reduction information and resources for businesses, institutions, and other organizations, based on EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy.
ReFED treats food waste as a solvable problem, with dozens of resources including an economic analysis of 27 of the best opportunities to reduce food waste. Topics covered include everything from cold chain management to centralized anaerobic digestion.
A partnership of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, Food Marketing Institute, and the National Restaurant Association, the Food Waste Reduction Alliance focuses on reducing food waste by increasing food donation and sending unavoidable food waste to productive use (energy, composting) and away from landfills.
Building Zero Waste Communities is the goal of Eco-Cycle, which offers an A-Z Recycling Guide as well as information on composting and re-use.
The National Restaurant Association’s Conserve program offers information about such sustainability topics as conserving energy and water, recycling, and food waste. Resources include a Fats, Oils, Greases Toolkit and a primer on food donations.
Further with Food is an innovative online hub developed by EPA, USDA, and 12 other prominent organizations providing key information and solutions to reduce food loss and waste.
The Green Restaurant Association has developed Certification Standards in eight key areas of sustainability, including Reusables & Environmentally Preferable Disposables.
Leanpath provides complete food-waste prevention solutions to the foodservice industry, as well as downloadable white papers, a newsletter, webinars, and other tools.
Watch: Leanpath Food-Waste Tracking—How It Works
The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act is detailed in this Fact Sheet from the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic.
Among many other topics, Food Tech Connect provides news about innovations in food-waste management.
With 230 chapters nationwide, Food Recovery Network is the largest student movement fighting food waste and hunger in America. Find information on starting a chapter and finding a hunger-fighting partner in your area.
Among the many areas of work taken on by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), food waste is of particular interest.