Labneh (+66.4%) Thickened yogurt is widely used in Greek and Middle Eastern cooking, and adds savor to dips, sauces, spreads, and dressings.10 More tart than the plain variety, Greek yogurt (+34.1%) is also growing.11
Romesco (+50.4%) Originally hailing from Spain, this colorful red sauce is made from roasted red peppers, nuts, and garlic, and can be used to flavor vegetable specialties (including zoodles), chicken and fish, pasta dishes, flatbreads, burgers, and sandwiches.12
Yuzu (+44.5%) A tart citrus fruit cultivated in China, Japan, and Korea, the juice and zest are used for flavoring beverages, dressings, and marinades,13 including the Japanese ponzu (+30.1%), which adds mirin, soy, tuna flakes, and rice vinegar to the dipping sauce mix.14